Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Bing vs Google

When you think of a search engine, usually people will say Google.  It is rare to find someone who has not heard of or used Google, but it is a very different story when you inquire about Bing.  Not everyone knows about Bing but the two are not so different after all.

I went through a few websites and found a couple that compared the two, then tested it out for myself.  Personally, I have used both Bing and Google search engines in the past.  The layouts use to be very similar to one another, but Bing has since changed its layout, giving it a different feel from Google's current layout.  After reading the article about the differences between Google and Bing by the author, Whitson Gordon, he said that Bing had better video search results, so I decided to check it out.  I have to admit, I agree with the author.  Not only did Bing pull up the video I wanted to see but conveniently the lyrics right next to it.  Google did not offer up the lyrics so easily, instead I had to scroll down to find them.

I continued to stick with the theme but instead changed over to search specifically for images.  Since I read what Jessie Moore posted online about the "5 things Bing does better than Google".  Again, I compared the two search results and preferred Bing's over Google.  Keep in mind, I only ever use Google for all of my search engine needs.  The difference between the two were very different actually.  The images that Google displayed had more text or more ads, while Bing displayed more face images which is what I was searching for.  If you would like to do the same feel free to search for the exact keywords I did, "youtube rick roll".  Check it out for yourself and I think after this post I am going to opt to using Bing more often.

Whitson Gordon, "Search Engine Showdown: Google vs. Bing". lifehacker, lifehacker.com/search-engine-showdown-google-vs-bing-1739263052. Nov 2015.

Jessie Moore, "5 things Bing does better than Google". Search Engine Watch, searchenginewatch.com/2017/09/26/5-things-that-bing-does-better-than-google. Sept 2017.

Web 2.0 Sites

On the Alexa website I viewed the first top 10 sites from the top 500 list.  Out of the list the following are Web 2.0 sites:
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Wikipedia

In my opinion, what makes the above websites popular are what they offer to the community.  YouTube makes watching videos and listening to music, easily accessible from multiple devices.  Facebook has an environment that makes it easy for people to keep in touch or strangers to share funny stories and moments together.  Wikipedia is a great source for all sorts of information, where the information is often added daily by the community.  They offer different things to users, but they are very different and popular in their own categories.

Gmail is great

Gmail is one of Google’s most popular products.  I have used multiple emailing services and find that Gmail is the most useful.  They offer nice features such as 2-Step verification, and also log where/when an account has been accessed.  Gmail also offers multiple extensions that are helpful and often boost productivity.  For example, an extension called “Ginger” checks your emails to make sure there are no spelling errors, grammatical errors, or punctuation issues.  This extension also offers translating abilities which I find very useful, especially if needed when working with another individual where your native languages are not one hundred percent compatible.

So it starts

So, this is my first post on this blog and I am excited to be starting it.  I am planning on writing about issues with the environment, including but not limited to ways we can reduce our negative impact on it.  This is a passionate topic for me and has been for quite some time.  I owe it all to my older sister, she is an avid environmentalist and outspoken planet lover.  She ignited this passion within me for the environment and it has been a big part of my life ever since.  I started out with recycling, then it progressed to composting, and now I have adjusted my daily life to ensure that I reduce any negative impacts I could have on our planet.
I know others also notice the drastic changes in the weather, air quality, and the overall transformations in our environment.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0, to my understanding, is an upgraded version of Web 2.0.  It will change how we currently interact with websites and those that a...