When you think of a
search engine, usually people will say Google. It is rare to find someone
who has not heard of or used Google, but it is a very different story when you
inquire about Bing. Not everyone knows about Bing but the two are not so
different after all.
I went through a few
websites and found a couple that compared the two, then tested it out for
myself. Personally, I have used both Bing and Google search engines in
the past. The layouts use to be very similar to one another, but Bing has
since changed its layout, giving it a different feel from Google's current
layout. After reading the article about the differences between Google
and Bing by the author, Whitson Gordon, he said that Bing had better video
search results, so I decided to check it out. I have to admit, I agree
with the author. Not only did Bing pull up the video I wanted to see but
conveniently the lyrics right next to it. Google did not offer up the
lyrics so easily, instead I had to scroll down to find them.
I continued to stick
with the theme but instead changed over to search specifically for
images. Since I read what Jessie Moore posted online about the "5
things Bing does better than Google". Again, I compared the two
search results and preferred Bing's over Google. Keep in mind, I only
ever use Google for all of my search engine needs. The difference between
the two were very different actually. The images that Google displayed
had more text or more ads, while Bing displayed more face images which is what
I was searching for. If you would like to do the same feel free to search
for the exact keywords I did, "youtube rick roll". Check it out
for yourself and I think after this post I am going to opt to using Bing more
Whitson Gordon,
"Search Engine Showdown: Google vs. Bing". lifehacker,
lifehacker.com/search-engine-showdown-google-vs-bing-1739263052. Nov 2015.
Jessie Moore, "5
things Bing does better than Google". Search Engine Watch,
Sept 2017.